Friday, February 3, 2012

Gifts found in writing

Today's Joy Dare asks us to identify "three gifts found in writing".

It's only 10am and I can already list two.

One is a book I finished reading last night:  "A Song I Knew By Heart" by Bret Lott, who apparently lives in my town. (I am slow to catch on to things like that.)   He retells the story of Ruth and Naomi in a contemporary setting... and because I tend to be skeptical of "gimmicks", I borrowed the book from the library on Kindle.  But it turns out to be a lovely, complex, grace-filled story with the bonus of sometimes-beautifully-
described local detail.  (As I was reading his description of dusk over the marsh last night, I realized that I could look out my window and witness the exact thing, live.  Another gift!)

A second gift in writing is a poem one of my mom-friends, Donna Levine Gershon, has just published online:  "The Love Song of J. Alfred Proofreader."  As a wanna-be copyeditor genetically wired for proofreading, not to mention a complete non-fashion-maven, I thought it was a hoot.  And I marvel at Donna's skill.  I think my favorite lines are

I have known the eyes already, known them all:—
At the elevator,
Locking on my Chanel knockoff,
My Snickers bar,
My Duane Reade discount drugstore bag,
Sprawling on a pin
They know I got from the giveaway bin.

(Also, I am grateful that I could even understand/appreciate the reference to TS Eliot.  And maybe that's the third gift.  So here is the original "Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"!)

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